《Practice of Remote Control of Multi-Rotor UAV》


Aiming at the application practice of multi-rotor UAV, this book aims to reduce the threshold of entry and provide more higher vocational and junior undergraduates or related practitioners who do not have multi-rotor professional knowledge and development background with a comprehensive reference textbook with the combination of theory and practice. after learning specialized courses such as automatic Control principles, readers can use the knowledge of professional technical basic courses and professional courses to design the control system in detail. So that readers can get practical training in the comprehensive application of professional theory to solve engineering problems。Book purchase links:This,Online video course learning website:This

Catalogue Courseware Source Code
Chapter 1-introduction Readme code
Chapter 2-3-Experimental platform and Experimental flow Readme code
Chapter 4-system Identification experiment Readme code
Chapter 5-filter Design experiment Readme code
Chapter 6-tracking Controller Design experiment Readme code
Chapter 7-path following Controller Design experiment Readme code
Chapter 8-obstacle avoidance Controller Design experiment Readme code

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