Tool chain long-term support flight control introduction

1. Pixhawk 6C & 6C mini

The Pixhawk6C is the latest addition to Holybro's successful Pixhawk® (Flight) controller family, featuring STM32H7 cpus, IMU vibration isolation, redundant IMU and IMU heating. It comes in two dimensions. The 6C Mini is reduced in size and has a built-in PWM motor/servo head, but the number of ports is slightly fewer. Its characteristics are:

  1. High-performance STM32H743 processor, more computing power, more memory
  2. New cost-effective design, small shape
  3. The newly designed integrated vibration isolation system filters out high-frequency vibrations and reduces noise to ensure accurate readings
  4. The temperature of IMU is controlled by the onboard heating resistor, so that the IMU is in the best working temperature

2. RflySim configuration

If the flight control hardware of Pixhawk 6X is used, it is recommended to use the software installation configuration shown in the following figure, and the hardware connection configuration is the same as that of Pixhawk 2.4.8.

  • Compile the command using px4_fmu-v6c_default.
  • Use "7" : PX4 version 1.13.2 firmware.
  • Use "1" : WinWSL compiler.

3. Official firmware and restore

Open the QGC ground station and enter the following screen.

Link the flight control to the computer, select the following option in the pop-up interface, select burn firmware:

Wait for the burn to finish.

Restore the flight control parameters to the default values of the firmware.

Set the rack to HIL Quadcopter X, swipe to the top and click "Apply and Restart" and wait for the restart to complete.

Link the remote receiver (note the line sequence) and turn on the remote. Calibrate the remote control as shown.

Set flight mode as shown below.

In security Settings, only hardware-in-the-loop emulation is enabled

4. Start hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) emulation

Once the above setup is complete, close QGC. Run the "[installation directory]\ desktop \RflyTools\HITLRun.lnk" script in administrator mode and enter the flight control port number (e.g. 4) in the cmd dialog box that pops up.

Wait until the bottom left corner of CopterSim displays PX4: GPS 3D fixed & EKF initialization finished.

Unlock the CH5 channel in the remote control to take off and control the flight of the aircraft.

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