3. PSP Toolbox


Fig. 3.13 Relationship between Simulink and Pixhawk autopilot code generation

Figure 3.13 shows the relationship among the PSP toolbox, the PX4 software, and the Pixhawk hardware. The main features of the toolbox are summarized below.

(1). The toolbox can simulate and test different multicopter models and flight control algorithms in Simulink and then automatically deploy the algorithms to the Pixhawk autopilot.

(2). The toolbox provides many practical examples, including LED control, RC data process, and attitude controller.

(3). The toolbox provides many interface modules to access the Pixhawk hardware and software components.

(4). It automatically records flight data from sensors, actuators, and controllers deployed by themselves.

(5). It can subscribe and publish uORB topic messages. All messages in the PX4 autopilot software are temporarily stored in a uORB message pool. The subscription function can read topics of interest from the message pool, and the publishing function can publish specific topics to the message pool for other modules.

The relationship between the code generated by Simulink and the Pixhawk autopilot system is summarized below.

(1). The structure of a Pixhawk autopilot system includes two parts, namely the Pixhawk hardware (similar to the computer hardware) and the PX4 software (similar to the operating system and applications running on a computer).

(2) The PX4 software system can be further divided into several small modules, which run independently in parallel multi-thread. Each module exchanges data with other modules through the subscription and publication of uORB messages.

(3). After the algorithm code is generated by the PSP toolbox, it is embedded into the PX4 software system. This will not affect the operation of the native control modules in the PX4 software. Instead, a new independent module (with an independent thread) named “px4_simulink_app” will be created to run in parallel with other modules.

(4). As shown in Fig. 3.13, the whole code generation and deployment procedures are presented as follows.

1). The PSP toolbox generates the C/C++ code from the control algorithm designed in Simulink.

2). The obtained algorithm code is imported into the PX4 source code to generate a “px4_simulink_app” independent of other modules.

3). The PSP toolbox calls the compiling toolchain (Win10WSL, Msys2, or Cygwin) to compile all the code into a “.px4” PX4 firmware file (similar to a software installation package).

4). Upload the obtained firmware file to the Pixhawk hardware; then, the Pixhawk autopilot can execute the PX4 software with the generated algorithm code.

(5). The native modules in the PX4 software may assess the same hardware outputs as the generated “px4_simulink_app” module, which may cause read and write conflicts. Therefore, in the one-key installation script, the hardware output accessing codes of the PX4 native modules have been blocked in the last option shown in Fig. 2.4. This will ensure that only the “px4_simulink_app” module can send motor control signals.


Fig. 3.14 Relationship between PX4 native modules and module generated by Simulink

(6). The generated Simulink code can also be used to replace some of the native modules (sensors, filters, attitude controllers, etc.) of the PX4 software shown in Fig. 3.13. However, the PX4 software code needs to be manually modified to block the output interface of the corresponding native module (Another feasible way is to block the module in the startup script “FirmwareROMFSpx4fmu_commoninit.drcS”). For example, if readers want to use Simulink to replace the filter module (input sensor data, output filter data) of the PX4 software, they should manually block uORB publishing code of the PX4 “Position and Attitude Estimator” module in Fig. 3.14 to prevent it from publishing estimate data. The detailed steps are described next.

1). Open the “Firmwaresrcmodulesekf2ekf2_main.cpp” file (corresponding to the code of the extended Kalman filter module).

2). Search for the text “orb_publish_auto(ORB_ID(vehicle_attitude)” and comment out the related code.

3.2. Instructions for Modules in PSP Toolbox

(1). RC input module

Figure 3.18 presents the RC input module and its parameter setting box. It is convenient to select RC channels and other information to be used by Simulink. The definition and application of each option can be viewed by clicking the “help” button of the box or by consulting the official PDF document. The PSP toolbox also provides an example ( see file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_input_rc. slx) to show how to use this module.


Fig. 3.18 RC input module and its parameter setting box

(2). PWM output module

Figure 3.19 depicts the PWM output module, which is used to send PWM signals to PX4IO ports to control the motor. The PWM update frequency and the number of output channels can be configured in the setting box.


Fig. 3.19 PWM output module and its parameter setting box

(3). FMU output module

Figure 3.20 presents the FMU output module, which is used to send PWM signals to PX4FMU ports to control the servo deflection. The PWM update frequency and the number of output channels can be configured in the setting box.


Fig. 3.20 FMU output module and its parameter setting box

(4). Buzzer module

Figure 3.21 presents the Buzzer module, which is used when the buzzer is required to make a warning sound. There is an example (see file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_tune.slx) for detailed information.


Fig. 3.21 Buzzer module and its parameter setting box

(5). RGB_LED module

This module can control the blink mode and color of the LED on Pixhawk. As shown in Fig. 3.22, the module receives two inputs, namely “Mode” and “Color” representing the mode and color of the LED. The PSP toolbox provides an example (see file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_rgbled.slx) to study this module.


Fig. 3.22 LED light module and its parameter setting box

(6). Sensor combination module

This module can access the sensor data available in the Pixhawk autopilot, which can then be used for controller design in Simulink. Available sensor data include magnetometers, accelerometers, gyroscopes, barometers, and timestamps. As shown in Fig. 3.23, the sample rate and the required sensor data can be configured in the parameter setting box. The PSP toolbox also provides an example (see file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_attitude_control.slx) to study this module.


Fig. 3.23 Sensor combination module and its parameter setting box

(7). Attitude data module

As shown in Fig. 3.24, the attitude data module provides an interface to access the attitude estimate (Euler angles and quaternion). The PSP toolbox also provides an example (see file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_attitude_control.slx) to study this module.


Fig. 3.24 Attitude data module and its parameter setting box

(8). GPS data module

This module, shown in Fig. 3.25, can be used to access the Pixhawk GPS data, which are achieved by subscribing to the uORB topic “vehicle_gps”. Therefore, in practical operation, it is necessary to ensure that the GPS module is inserted into the Pixhawk hardware and then works. The PSP toolbox also provides an example (see file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_gps.slx) to study this module.


Fig. 3.25 GPS data module and its parameter setting box

(9). Battery data module

This module, shown in 3.26, can be used to obtain the real-time status of the battery. It is implemented by subscribing to the uORB topic “battery_status”. Therefore, in practical operation, it is necessary to ensure that the power module is inserted into the Pixhawk hardware and then works correctly.


Fig. 3.26 Battery data module and its parameter setting box

(10). uORB modules

These modules, presented in Fig. 3.27, are used to read or write uORB messages from the PX4 autopilot software. All the uORB message topics supported by the PX4 autopilot are listed in the directory “Firmwaremsg” of the software package installation directory (configured as in Fig. 2.4; the default directory is “C:PX4PSP”).


Fig. 3.27 uORB modules for message reading and writing

Double-click the “uORB Write” module in Fig. 3.27, then the obtained parameter setting box of the “uORB Write” module is presented in Fig. 3.28, where the uORB topic name and the message variables to be sent can be configured.


Fig. 3.28 “uORB Write” module parameter setting box

Clicking the “Open .msg file” button in Fig. 3.28 yields the content of the select “.msg” file (see Fig. 3.29), and clicking the “Open .msg folder” button yields the list of all supported uORB messages (See Fig. 3.30).


Fig. 3.29 uORB message file


Fig. 3.30 Pop-up window of “Open .msg folder” button

There are two advanced “uORB Write” modules presented in Fig. 3.31, which provide more convenient ways to send uORB messages.


Fig. 3.31 Advanced “uORB Write” modules and difference between them

In fact, all modules (PWM output, RGB_LED, etc.) mentioned in this section are implemented at the underlying code by reading and writing uORB messages. Theoretically, by using the “uORB Read and Write” modules, all messages and intermediate variables used in the PX4 autopilot can be accessed by Simulink. This simplifies the implementation of more advanced functions for controller design. The PSP toolbox also provides two examples (see file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_fcn_call_uorb_example.slx, and file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_write_uorb_example.slx) to study this module.

In the PX4 development website, there are detailed documents for creating a new uORB message and receiving a new MAVLink message to communicate with external devices. In addition to the uORB modules presented in Fig. 3.27, it is convenient for the Simulink controller “px4_simulink_app” to exchange data with external devices, such as cameras, sensors, and host computers.

(11). Accessing PX4 internal parameters

For the sake of convenience for controller parameter tuning in flight tests, the PSP Toolbox also provides interfaces to access the PX4 internal parameters. In this way, the parameters of the controller generated by Simulink can be tuned online in the GCS software, instead of modifying the controller parameters in Simulink, generating code, and uploading the firmware file again. As shown in Fig. 3.32, an example of how to access the PX4 internal parameters is presented in file e02.PSPOfficialExpspx4demo_Parameter_CSC_example.slx.


Fig. 3.32 Example of PX4 internal parameter reading


Fig. 3.33 Simulink initialization script for accessing PX4 parameters

PX4 internal parameter access is realized by using the function “Pixhawk_CSC.Parameter( {*, *})”, which needs to be called in the Simulink initialization function ( click “Simple”—“Model Properties”—“Callbacks”—“InitFcn” in the Simulink menu bar). For the example shown in Fig. 3.32, the corresponding parameter initialization script is shown in Fig. 3.33.